terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2017

(1º season)


#1. Drop someone off
Meaning - To deliver someone at a particular place.
Translation - Deixar alguém em algum lugar
Sentence: Could you give me a lift and drop me off at the airport?!

#2. Be grounded 
Meaning - To be isolated from leisure.
Translation - Estar de castigo
Sentence: Barry was never grounded for low grades. He is such a genuine person!

#3. Be yanked
Meaning - to catch something, perhaps an object from someone.
Translation - Ser arrancado(a)
Sentence: The evidence was yanked from the cop's hand.

#4. Cut someone off
Meaning - To make someone stop to talk, to interrupt
Translation - Interromper alguém
Sentence: Barry cut the mayor off during his speech.

#5. Be trapped
Meaning - To be locked up in a closed room. 
Translation - Estar preso (numa cilada)
Sentence: I can't believe I'm trapped in this filthy room!

#6. Cordon off 
Meaning - To isolate an area in order to not compromise the evidence, to seal off
Translation - Isolar uma área
Sentence: The cops cordoned off during Barry's mom murder investigation.

#7. Binge-watch
Meaning - To watch multiple episodes of series in a row
Translation - Maratonar
Sentence: Wanna binge-watch today Iris?! What about Netflix and chill, huh?

#8. Rip out
Meaning - to tear, to remove 
Translation - Rasgar, remover
Sentence: Oh, damn it! I ripped out my suit.

#9. Back up
Meaning - to support someone, give assistance
Translation - Apoiar, auxiliar
Sentence: Can you back me up tonight Joe? I've got a date.

#10. Screw up
Meaning - to do something wrong
Translation - Vacilar, estragar tudo
Sentence: I ran back in time twice Iris, I'm sorry I screw up!

#11. Hit (things) up
Meaning - to bump into something, to colide
Translation - Acertar, atingir
Sentence: I can't see a thing! I'm hitting everything up!

#12. Feel like
Meaning - to be in the mood for something
Translation - Estar afim de
Sentence: I feel like Lasagna today!

#13. Pin for someone
Meaning - to like someone
Translation - gostar de alguém
Sentence: It's hard to pin for someone you can't have.

#14. Hold off on
Meaning - to pull off, postpone
Translation - Adiar, esperar
Sentence: There are things we can't simply hold off on, like saving people from monster.

#15. Catch up
Meaning - To talk after long time not seeing someone, to reach
Translation - Botar o papo em dia, alcançar
Sentence 1: Run Barry! Catch him up!
Sentence 2: Why don't we catch up someday?

See you next time! Bye!

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