terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2017

(1º season)


Phrasal Verbs are structures combined wtih verb + preposition(s) which can be separable or unseparable.

#1. Pick on 
Translation - Pegar no pé
Sentence: Stop pickin' on me and leave me alone!

#2. Kick in
Translation - Entrar em vigor
Sentence: The new gadget is finally starting to kick in.

#3. Shut down
Translation - Desligar
Sentence: Barry, shout out the cameras so that she can't see you.

#4. Cover up
Translation - Tampar
Sentence: Cover up the corpse, Joe.

#5. Settle in
Translation - Instalar-se, acomodar-se
Sentence: I strongly believe I'll be able to settle in here.

#6. Blow in
Translation - Chegar repentinamente
Sentence: I was caught off guard when The Flash blew in yesterday.

#7. Sort out
Translation - Resolver
Sentence: I've got all sorted out.

#8. Catch on
Translation - Ficar popular, compreender
Sentence 1: The Flash is gonna catch on, trust me!
Sentence 2: This subject is hard to catch on.

#9. Patch someone up
Meaning - to give basic medical careto someone that helps them temporarily. 
Sentence: Don't worry about injuries Bar, I'll patch you up!

#10. Line up
Translation - Fazer fila
Sentence: Line up, guys! ya'll take pictures!

#11. Pass out (also "faint")
Translation - Desmaiar
Sentence: Professor ?? I think he passed out.

#12. Look after
Translation - Cuidar de alguém
Sentence: Joe, thanks for looking after my son all these years.

#13. Run out of
Translation - Acabar
Sentence: He ran out of energy, beat him now!!!

#14. " (It) turns out"
Translation - Acontece que
Sentence: I thought you were the villan. Turns out Dr. Weels was the bad guy this whole time.

#15. Whip up
Translation - Fazer correndo
Sentence: Cisco, whip up this machine. I'm running out of time!


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