domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2017



#1. Bruise
Translation - Machucar, ferir
Sentence: I bruised my arm during the racing.

#2.  Brief (also "inform")
Translation - Informar
Sentence: Make sure you brief your dad about your grades or else he'll kill you!

#3. Troop
Translation - Associar
Sentence: I trooped what you said to the situation, you know? Everything makes sense now...

#4. Vet
Translation - Submeter a analise
Sentence: I vetted your school records and congrats, you were accepted.

#5. Steer
Translation - Conduzir, guiar
Sentence: My mum steered the marathon training.

#6. Inherit
Translation - Herdar
Sentence: I inherited my dad's heritage.

#7. Pot
Translation - Por em conserva
Sentence: Babe, pot the vegetables for me?

#8. Log
Translation - Derrubar arvores
Sentence: I still can't believe why some many trees has to be logged.

#9. Lease
Translation - Alugar (por um período significativo)
Sentece: I still can't believe we are gonna have to lease our store!

* To rent : Alugar por um curto/médio período

#10. Sleet
Translation - Chover granizo
Sentence: WOW, watch out! It's starting to sleet!

#11. Auction
Translation - Leiloar
Sentence: We are here to auction this outstanding furniture from 1870. Who bids more than 1000 dollares? 

* Who bids more? = Quem dá mais?

#12. Await
Translation - Aguardar
Sentence: I'm awaiting ma'am, please hurry.

#13. Thrive
Translation - Prosperar
Sentence: Keep studying. I'm sure you thrive very high!

#14. Flap (informal)
Translation - Papear, bater um papo
Sentence: So, I was flapping with Rick and I found out he is married, can you believe that?!

#15. Resent
Translation - Ressentir-se
Sentence: The principal resents from being unfair.

See you next time! 👻👻

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