sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2017

(part 1)

33 Expressions that will for sure improve your oral skills!

#1. You are showing!
Definition - When a pregnant's belly is getting visible
Sentence: O-M-G Jane, you're showing! I can see your baby boy growing already! 

#2. When are you due?
Definition - When the baby is going to born?
Translation: Quando voce vai dar a luz? 
Sentence: Jane, when are you due? - Next month!

#3. I can't wait!
Definition - When someone is anxious about a future event
Translation - Mal posso esperar!
Sentence: I can't wait to see my baby!

#4. To be on the edge
Definition - When can't stand a situation anymore
Translation - Estar no limite
Sentence: I'm on the edge Rafael..

#5. Just in recall..
Definition - Expression used when remembering a past event.
Translation - Só recordando que..
Sentence: Just in recall, I got pregnant by insemination. It wasn't my fault!

#6. That is not my strong suit/ That's not my thing
Definition - Used to talk about a hability which doesn't stuit/define yourself well
Translation - Esta nao é meu ponto forte/ não é minha praia.
Sentence: Speaking languages is not my strong suit.

#7. You trapped me!
Definition - To decieve someone joking or not
Translation - Voce me pegou!
Sentence: I can't believe I didn't see it coming, you totally trapped me!

#8. It's not of your business
Definition - It doesn't make reference to your life 
Translation - Não é da sua conta!
Sentence: How did you get pregnant? - (It's) not of your business!

#9. To make amends/ to bury the hatches/ to mend fences
Definition - To forgive and be forgiven
Translation - Fazer as pazes
Sentence: Let's just get past what happened and make amends, okay?

#10. To run lines
Definition - to rehearse
Translation - Ensaiar
Sentence: Jane's dad is running lines for his play.

#11. What are the odds?
Definition - Used to ask for probabilities
Translation - Quais sao as chances disso acontecer?
Sentence: I'm a pregnant virgin, I mean, what are the odds?

#12. To flee the country
Definition - Fugir do país
Translation - Leave the country 
Sentence - My abuela has to flee the country in order to have a better life in the U.S

#13. No biggie
Definition - Informal way of "no big deal"
Translation - Nada demais
Sentence: He is just my friend, no biggie.

#14. You caught off guard! / What a scare! / To throw someone for a loop
Definition - When something non-expected happens
Translation - Voce me pegou de surpresa! / Que susto! / Surpreender alguém.
Sentence: Jane, you caught me off guard baby!
Sentence 2: How about throwing your husband for a loop tonight?

#15. To have ducks in a row
Definition - To do everything right, not make mistakes
Translation - Andar na linha
Sentence: Jane should have ducks in a row after having a baby.

#16. To have a window
Definition - To have a period of unbooked time in your daily schedule.
Translation - Ter um tempinho/ folga
Sentence: Well Mr. Smiths, I think i've go a window for you this afternoon.

#17. In a row
Definition - One after another, in sequence
Translation - Algo em seguida, um atrás do outro, na sequencia
Sentence: I've eaten three snacks in a row, omg!

#18. By a hair
Definition - Almost manage to do something, too close. 
Translation - Por um fio
Sentence: Rafael missed Jane by a hair.

#19. To be under the wheather
Definition - To feel ill/sick
Translation - Sentir-se doente ou não muito bem
Sentence: I'm not going to work today, I'm a bit under the wheather.

#20. Split it out!
Definition - To say perharps a secret immediately
Translation - Desembucha!
Sentence: Stop stammering Rogelip and split it out hombre!

#21. Fender bender
Definition - A road accident in which the vehicles involved  are only slightly damaged
Translation - Batidinha de leve
Sentence: Don't worry about your car, it was just a fender bender sweaty.

#22. We belong together.
Definition - When two people love each other and therefore they are meant to be together.
Translation: Nós nos pertencemos
Sentence: Jane and Rafael belong together!


#23. Off the grid
Definition - To be over the moon, disconected
Translation - Desperso, desligado
Sentence: Don't you think Jane is a little off the grid mom?

#24. On the cusp of
Definition - About to 
Translation - a beira de 
Sentence: She is on the cusp to commit suicide.

#25. Take issue with
Definition - Not agreeing with opinion or attitude
Translation - Discordar
Sentence: We still take issue with the baby custody.

#26. I'm here for the long haul
Definition - To go to the end
Translation - Estou aqui até o final
Sentence: Jane, don't worry. I'm here with you for the long haul.

#27. To be over someone/sth
Definition - To forget someone
Translation - Esquecer alguém
Sentence: Forget Michael, I'm over him!

#28. Break a leg
Definition - To wish someone luck mostly used in plays to actors and actresses
Translation - "Merda pra você"
Sentence: Rogleio, break a leg!

#29. To have a knack for sth
Definition - To own a talent for sth
Translation - Ter a mão boa para algo
Sentence: Oh wow Michael, you have a knack for cooking! This dessert is so tasty!

#30. Go rogue
Definition - To act dishonestly
Translation - Ser desonesto
Sentence: I don't know why he is going rogue with me, seriously!

#31. Tops
Definition - At the maximum
Translation - No máximo estourando
Sentence: I'll have one baby, two tops!

#32. To clear (up) the air
Definition - To clarify things
Translation - Esclarecer as coisas
Sentence: I'm not saint, let me clear up the air. I got pregnant by mistake.

#33. Casting couch
Definition - To get an advantage by using sex.
Translation - O famoso "teste do sofá"
Sentence: Do you think it's worth a casting-couch mentality?

See ya folks ;*

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