segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2017

ONCE UPON A TIME - 1º SEASON (part. 1)


#1. Lock away
Translation - Encarcerar
Sentence: I shall lock you away, white snow!

*shall = will

#2. Defeat
Translation - Derrotar
Sentence: The one who defeats the opponent, will collect an award.

#3. Pill up
Translation - Acumular
Sentence: The dishes are pilling up, servant!

#4. Slay
Translation - Truicidar
Sentence: Unfortunately two of our men have been slayed this evening.

#5. Resign
Translation - Demitir-se
Sentence: I resign from you!

#6. Damage
Translation - Estragar
Sentence: Be careful to not damage what is working properly.

#7. Prevent
Translation - Impedir
Sentence: You will not prevent me from stopping her!

#8. Frighten
Translation - Assustar
Sentence: You can't frighten me, Regina.

#9. Jab
Translation - Fazer picadinho
Sentence: I'll jab you with my sword!

#10. Flee 
Translation - Fugir
Sentence: I will flee this crazy world!

#11. Fool around
Translation - Enrolar, enganar
Sentence: Stop fooling me around, stupid!

#12. Scrutinize
Translation - Vasculhar
Sentence: Scrutinize her life and tell me right away!

#13. Lock up
Translation - Trancafiar
Sentence: Is Regina locked up in her bedroom?

#14. Tap (phones)
Translation - Grampear
Sentence: I order you to tap all her phones.

#15. Observe the law
Translation - Cumprir a lei
Sentence: I'm the queen and you must observe the law! I'm the law!

#16. It won't accomplish anything!
Translation - Não vai adiantar nada!
Sentence: Don't freak out, it won't accomplish anything.

#17. Get by
Translation - Se virar
 Sentence: I'm afraid I won't get by alone here.

#18. Toy
Translation - Brincar, enganar
Sentence: Don't you dare toy me! I'm not fool!

#19. Slow someone down
Translation - Atrapalhar
Sentence: Get out of my way, you're slowing me down!

#20. Be up to something
Translation - Estar tramando algo
Sentence: What are you up to Henry?

#21. Invoke
Translation - Envocar
Sentence: I shall invoke a gate, wait up!

* gate: portal

#21. Plunder
Translation - Saquear
Sentence: I won't allow anyone plunder my city!

#22. Look after
Translation - Cuidar
Sentence: Thank you for looking after my son.

#24. Go against
Translation - Ir contra
Sentence: I know you go against my government, but you must trust me.

#25. Harm, hurt
Translation - Machucar
Sentence: Careful not to harm yourself!

# 26. Be at stake
Translation - Estar em jogo
Sentence: There is a lot at stake, understand me please!

See ya!

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