terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2017

(part 2 - Verbs)

So guys, today we are going to talk about the verbs you may come across in the series. In order to not become too much information to you, I split the post up into three parts.


#1. Trade calls
Translation - Trocar ligações a fim de negociar
Sentence: In order to make the deal, I'm supposed to trade calls with my attorney about Jack's joint custody.

#2. Pin down
Translation - Definir, formalizar
Sentence: Today's meeting is going to pin down the baby's custody.

#3. Inhale/Exhale
Translation - Inalar/Exalar
Sentence: Breath Jane, inhale... exhale...

#4. Come afloat
Translation - Vir a tona
Sentence: You can't hide your pregnancy anymore. It'll come afloat eventually, dear.

#5. Stagger
Translation - Cambalear
Sentence: The pregnant lady staggered but didn't fall.

#6. Set off
Translation - Partir, zarpar
Sentence: We set off to my grandma's house at dawn, sleep tight!

#7. Puke (also throw up/vomit)
Translation - Vomitar (neste caso por causa da gravidez)
Sentence: Oh god, I'm willing to puke all the damn time.

#8. Dodge
Translation - Esquivar-se de algo/alguém
Sentence: Did he dodge your kiss? Is that so?

#9. Nurse
Translation - Amamentar
Sentence: I can't stand nursing him anymore! My nipples hurt!

#10. Crawl
Translation - Engatinhar
Sentence: Omg, the baby is already crawling! LOOK! LOOK!

#11. Nest
Translation - Arrumar o ninho, ou seja, arrumar o quartinho do bebe.
Sentence: No way, are you nesting already?

#12. Go into labor/ be in labor
Translation - Entrar/ estar em trabalho de parto
Sentence: MOM! I'm going into labor, my water broke!

*water broke = bolsa estourou

#13. Engorge
Translation - Devorar a comida
Sentence: I'm allowed to engorge, I'm eating for two!

#14. Lean
Translation - Apoiar
Sentence: Jade leaned against the wall due to her jig.

*jig = tonteira

#15. Catch up
Translation - Botar o papo em dia, conversar com intenções amorosas
Sentence: Wanna catch up some time?

#16. Pitch in
Translation - Colaborar, ajudar
Sentence: I'm sure Rafael will pitch up with our babies.

#17. Wiggle one's nose
Translation - Mexer o nariz
Sentence: How cute is that? Mateo is wiggling his nose, own!

#18. Win back
Translation - Reconquistar
Sentence: Yea bro, ya'll hafta win her back. Don't worry man, you've got some moves!

#19. Lullaby
Translation - Ninar
Sentence: It's your turn to lullaby, come on!

#20. Roll one's eyes on someone
Translation - Virar os olhos
Sentence:  Are you serious? Keep rolling your eyes on me... See what happens.

#21. Dwell on
Translation - Cismar com
Sentence: I don't know why you are dwelling with him, Rafael! He is just a friend!

#22. Give in
Translation - Ceder
Sentence: Our relantionship might work if both give in a bit.

#23. Snap at
Translation - retrucar, falar de um jeito rude
Sentence: Please, don't snap at me!

#24. Cuddle
Translation - Abraçar, acariciar 
Sentence: I love to cuddle my chubby baby boy!

#25. Drop a hint 
Translation - Deixar uma indireta
Sentence: I dropped him a hint but he didn't catch it.

#26. Spare efforts
Translation - Poupar esforços
Sentence: Spare no efforts to help me, I'm gonna need it a lot!

#27. Crumple
Translation - Amarrotar
Sentence: Please, try not to crumple his wrap.

*wrap = roupa que envolve o bebe no colo da mãe 

#28. Get a role
Translation - Conseguir um papel
Sentence: Rogelio wants to get a role immediately!

#29. Commit
Translation - Internar
Sentence: I'm afraid abuela will have to be committed.

#30. Bang/slam the door
Translation - Bater a porta com força
Sentence: Be polite this time and do not bang the door, father!

See you in part 2!

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