sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2017



 Good Witch

This TV show talks about a two-children single mom who practices alternative medicine in order to help others.
Well, in my view, it's destined to teens who like teenage romance, but I mean, it's always good to watch different types of series to get new vocab.

Today, we are going to talk about VERBS!


#1. To chime
Translation - Badalar
Sentence: Cassie, what about going to chime today, uh?

#2. To perch
Translation - Colocar de pé
Sentence: Daughter! Could you please perch that statue in the shelf?

#3. To rat out
Translation - Delatar, dedurar
Sentence: I rat him out to the principal, mom.

#4. To settle in
Translation - acomodar-se, adaptar-se
Sentence: Make yourself comfortable in my hostel! You can grab some food over there and settle in.

#5. To endure
Translation - Aguentar, suportar (also "stand, put up with")
Sentence: Well, I know it's hard but you have to endure this situation for now.

#6. To run tests
Translation - Fazer exames
Sentence: Nick, is your dad home? We need to run some tests for my father. He is not feeling well.

#7. To summon
Translation: Convocar
Sentence: Summon the Mayor right away!!!!!

#8. To blow off
Translation - Ignorar
Sentence: Rick is blowing me off! I don't know what to do!

#9. To patronize
Translation - Apadrinhar
Sentence: I'm aware you don't want my help, but I could patronize your business you know?

#10. To embellish
Translation - Embelezar
Sentence: Embellishing yourself right? Special night?

#11. To spoil (adj: spoiled)
Translation - Mimar
Sentence: I guess your parents spoil you too much, but it's just my opinion...

#12. To get busted
Translation - Quebrar-se, danificar-se
Sentence: I got busted after cleaning up this entire house.

#13. To ail
Translation - Sofrer, incomodar
Sentence: It poped up a lump in my chest yesterday, I need to see a doctor immediately!

*lump: nódulo

#14. To align
Translation - Alinhar, ajustar
Sentence: Cassie is supposed to align the books every morning.

#15. To seize
Translation - Aproveitar
Sentence: Seize your stay! Welcome!

See you babies!!

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