quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2017

(1º Season)

AVISO: Em toda série eu vou escolher a palavra que eu julgar mais usada e mais útil! Vou chamar de KEY WORD. Isto tem o intuito de fazer com que vocês realmente memorizarem esta palavra. O homework será fazer uma frase ou paragrafo que contenha esta palavra.

Are you ready for a The Flash spree?! Let's get started!


#1. So far

Meaning - Up to now
Translation - Até agora
Sentence: I haven't increased my speed so far.

#2. For the record

Meaning - Used to remind someone about something
Translation - Só pra constar
Sentence: For the record, I'm the fastest man alive.

#3. Thereof

Translation - Disso, daquilo, daí
Sentence: Any further question thereof, don't hesitate to ask.

#4.  As soon as
Translation - Assim que
Sentence: As soon as I arrived in town, I realized your potential.

#5. From now on
Meaning - From the moment of speaking
Translation - De agora em diante
Sentence: From now on, I'm going to forget Iris and move on.

#6. Regardless of

Meaning - Despite, in spite of
Translation - Independentemente de/da/do
Sentence: Regardless of the weather, I'm going to work.

#7. Give or take (also "about")

Meaning - Aproximately (used only for numbers)
Translation - Mais ou menos (somente para números)
Sentence: This building is give or take 2 meters tall.

#8. Aside from

Meaning - Besides that
Translation - Além de
Sentence: Aside from being fast, you are a super hero, Barry.

#9. Unless

Translation - A menos que 
Sentence: Unless you promise to stop writing about The Streak, I won't go away.

#10. For a while

Meaning - For a moment
Translation - Por um tempo
Sentence: Can you wait me just for a while? I'll be right back.

#11. Or rather

Translation - Ou seja
Sentence: Iris, I like you, or rather, I love you! I've always been in love with you.

#12. Long story short

Meaning - Literally the expression is "To make a long story short";
to sum up, to wrap it up.
Translation - Resumindo
Sentence: I had to save lots of people todays, I went to the mall, square, market, long story short, I'm tired.

#13. Ever since
Translation - Desde então
Sentence: When I first met you, I realized you were the woman of my dreams. Ever since, I can't stop thinking about you and me.

#14. Every now and again

Meaning - Every now and then, sometimes
Translation - De vez em quando
Sentence: A girl gotta be a hero every now and again.

#15. Unlikely
Translation - Improvável
Sentence: It's quite unlikely Arrow shows up, but you know, he is unpredictable.

#16. In a flash
Translation - Num instante
Sentence: I come back in a flash, literally!

#17. Rather than (also Instead of)
Translation - Ao invés de
Sentence: Rather than suffering, why don't you let it go, Barry?

#18. Actually (also "in fact")
Translation - Na verdade, na realidade
Sentence: Actually, I really do wanna play with you. 

#19. Better yet
Translation - Melhor ainda
Sentence: Let's get to work, better yet, let's grab a drink.

#20. Either way
Meaning - In both cases
Translation - Em ambos os casos
Sentence: Either way, I'll have to risk myself.

#21. Concerning (also "regarding, related to")
Translation - A respeito de
Sentence: Concerning your research Cisco, it's very well-prepared.


See you next post! ❤👄

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