quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2017

 1º SEASON (Part. 2)

Characters, nouns, adjectives!


#1. The seven dwarfs:

Dopey, Sneezy, Bashful, Sleepy, Happy, Grumpy, Doc.
Dunga, Atchim, Dengoso, Soneca, Feliz, Zangado, Mestre.

#2. Snow White and Prince Charming
Translation - Branca de Neve e Príncipe Encantado

#3. Little Red Ridinghood or only "Red"
Translation - Chapeuzinho vermelho

#4. Fairy Godmother
Translation - Fada Madrinha

#5. Beauty and the beast
Translation - A bela e a fera

#6. Evil queen/ Stepmother (of snow)
Translation - Rainha má/ Madrasta (da branca de neve)

#7. Daughter (of snow)
Translation - Filha (da branca de neve)

#8. Cricket
Translation - Grilo Falante

#9. Captain Hook
Translation - Capitão gancho

#10. Pinocchio
Translation - Pinóquio


#1. Rag
Translation - Trapo
Sentence: This employee is a bit of rag, hey take a shower!

#2. Subject
Translation - Súdito
Sentence: Ask my subject to bring me a meal.

#3. Dungeon
Translation - Calabouço
Sentence: Send her to dungeon!

#4. Prey
Translation - Presa
Sentence: The prey was caught by the hunter.

#5. Torn
Translation - Rasgado (a)
Sentence: I'm afraid your dress is torn, ma'am.

#6. Compass 
Translation - Bússola
Sentence: Where is the compass, snow?

#7. One night stand
Translation - Sexo casual,caso de uma noite
Sentence: So, your involvement with him was based in one night stand? Really?

#8. Macabre
Translation - Macabro (a)
Sentence: Wow, this house is so macabre! I won't get it, red!

#9. Shelter
Translation - Abrigo
Sentence: That house seems to be a shelter, right?

#10. Trunk
Translation - Porta-malas
Sentence: Open up my fusca trunk, and take my bag please.

#11. Side-effect

Translation - Efeito colateral
Sentence: Maybe it's just a side-effect from the herbs.

#12. Burden

Translation - Fardo
Sentence: I hate the burden of being your stepmother, Snow white!

#13. Lout

Translation - Brutamonte
Sentence: You are a bunch of louts!

#14. There is a lot at stake

Translation - Há muito em jogo
Sentence: It's not only this Red, there is a lot at stake you know?

#15. Repulsive

Translation - Repugnante
Sentence: What a repulsive name, Rumplestiltskin!

#15. Fear

Translation - Receio
Sentence: The citzens avoided steping over the line for fear of being killed.

#16. On behalf of

Translation - Em prol de 
Sentence: I work on behalf of my adorable queen.

#17. Disgraceful

Translation - Desgraçado (a)
Sentence: What a disgraceful life, God!

#18. Broth

Translation - Caldo, canja
Sentence: Welcome to my home, accept some broth?

#19. Slaughterhouse

Translation - Matadouro
Sentence: Carry this wretched out of here! Send him to my exquisite slaughterhouse!!

*wretched = miserável

#20. Obscure

Translation - Nebuloso
Sentence: Regina is obscure and hard to understand.


"NO LONGER" is often used during the show. It means "ANYMORE", let's take a look at an example:

I don't need you anymore, hook!

I no longer need you, hook!

See you around!

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