quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2017


This vocabulary list will help you understand the sentence in brackets [] that show up in series or movies when watched with English subtitles.

#1. Voice fading
Translation - Voz falhando

#2. Woman chuckling
Translation - Mulher gargalhando

#.3  Voice distorced
Translation - Voz distorcida

#4. Inhale sharply
Translation - Inalar bruscamente

#5. Stuttering
Translation - Balbuciando

#6. Sobbing
Translation - Soluçando aos prantos

#7. Door slamming
Translation - Porta batendo fortemente

#8. Clearing the throat
Translation - Limpando a garganta

#9. Laughs
Translation - Risadas

#10. Phone beeps
Translation - O celular toca (after a text message)

#11. Knocking on the door
Translation - Batendo na porta

Knockin' on heaven's door
Guns N' Roses

Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door

#12. Phone vibrating
Translation - Celular vibrando

#13. Sighs and moans
Translation - Suspiros e gemidos

#14. Grunting
Translation - Grunir

#15. Whispering
Translation - Sussurrando

#16. Phone ringing
Translation - Celular tocando (after a call)

#17. Coughing
Translation - Tossindo

#18. Music playing
Translation - Música tocando

#19. Coins clattering
Translation - Moedas tinindo, fazendo barulho

If you shake this necklace, the coins are going to clatter.

#20. Door opens/closes
Translation - Porta abre/fecha

#21. Thermometer beeps
Translation - Termômetro apita


#22. Gasps
Translation - Suspiros

#23. Tires screeching
Translation - Pneus guinchando

#24. Door buzzes
Translation - Porta rangendo

#25. Stammers
Translation - Gagueja

#26. Breathing heavily
Translation - Respirando profundamente

#27. Struggling
Translation - Debatendo-se

#28. Phone chimes
Translation - Celular fazendo barulho de campainha

#29. Murmuring
Translation - Murmurando

#30. Screaming
Translation - Gritando

#31. Scattered laughter
Translation - Riso disperso


#32. Applause and cheers
Translation - Aplausos e satisfação 

So long! 😄💕

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