terça-feira, 4 de abril de 2017


1º episode - Vocabulary
PART 1 (out of 2)

To begin with the vocab list, you need to know the meaning of "the fosters". If you are foster, it means you'd been adopted by foster parents; not birth parents/kids.

#1. Damage
Translation - Danificar
Sentence: You've damaged my life too badly. Step out!

#2. Inmates
Translation - preso, detento
Sentence: You really want to be one of those filthy inmates? 
Think over!

#3. Pick fights
Translation - Comprar briga
Sentence: My son's recently pickin' up fights on the street. I don't know want what to do! 

#4. To be in a bind (with)
Translation - Estar num aperto, sufoco
Sentence: I've got no job, that's why I'm in a bind with paying bills.

#5. Juvie
Translation - Reformatório, casa de correção.
Sentence: Can you believe Callie's already been in juvie? She robbed a band, back then she was 15 so she couldn't go to jail.

#6. Dyke
Translation - Lésbica, sapatão 
Sentence: What is the matter with my dyke foster parents?
Are you prejudiced or what?

#7. Mushy
Translation - mole, sentimental
Sentence: Please, stop crying! Don't play mushy with me, I don't buy it.

#8. Group home
Translation - Orfanato
Sentence: Mom, what happens when a kid has no parents?
They go to a group home until they find a family, darling.

#9. Scholarship
Translation - Bolsa de estudos
Sentence: I got a scholarship to Denver. Isn't that cool?

Don't confuse with "sponsorship" which means "patrocínio".

#10. Take it down a notch!
Translation - Abaixe o tom, acalme-se
Sentence: Ei, come on. Take it down a notch, alright? I just wanted to help.

#11. Curfew
Translation - Toque de recolher
Sentence: It's not permitted to go out tonight due to the curfew.

#12. Knucklehead (slang)
Translation - Idiota, cretino
Sentence: Shut your mouth up, knucklehead!

#13. Pimp
Translation - Cafetão 
Sentence: Is he that pimp from the suburbs everyone is talking about?

#14. Narc
Translation - Abreviação de narcóticos = "narcotic".
Sentence: What are you doing? Drug and narc substances are not allowed in here!

#15. Sneak out
Translation - Sair, fugir
Sentence: I had to sneak out of town. I was being beaten by my former foster parents, you know?

Be tunned for part 2!
See ya! ;)

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