terça-feira, 11 de abril de 2017

Today's class will be focoused on the new black: 13 reasons why! The series is originally from Netflix and its aims is on critisizing the bullying culture which take place up to now, not only in america but in the entire world, that most of the time leads the victim to commit suicide. So, shall we brush up on some new vocab?

Hoje a aula será focada na nova sensação do momento: 13 reasons why! A série é original do Netflix e seu enfoque é criticar a cultura de bullying que existe até os dias atuais, não só nos EUA mas no mundo todo, que muitas vezes leva a vítima a cometer suicídio. Entao bora aprender novo vocabulário?

Part 1

#1. Settle in (v.)
Translation - instalar-se, acomodar-se, adaptar-se
Sentence: I'm trying to make friends, but this school is not easy to settle in.

#2. Wishy-washy (adj.)
Translation - indefinido (cor), sem caráter (pessoa), aguado (ideias)
Sentence: I can't believe he sent everyone that pictures.. He is such a wishy-washy, I hate him!

#3. I don't  give a shit (or a "damn) (slang)
Translation - Nao dou a mínima 
Sentence: I don't give a shit for your opinion!

#4. Catch up (v.)
Translation - Botar o papo em dia
Sentence: Hey! How long no see you! Wanna catch up someday?

#5. It's not my thing (exp.)
Translation - Não é minha praia
Sentence: Listening to tapes is not my thing, you know?

#6. Keep in touch (exp.)
Translation - Mantenha-se em contato, vê se não some!
Sentence: Bye dear, keep in touch!

#7. Pop up (v.)
Translation - Surgir, aparecer inesperadamente
Sentence: Her message popped up automatically on the screen.

#8. Pass sth on (v.)
Translation - Passar, transmitir.
Sentence: It was you who passed my photos on, is that right?

#9. Language! (exp.)
Translation - Olha a boca!
Sentence: My mom keeps saying "language" to me when I say swearwords.

#10. Take for granted (exp.)
Translation - Tomar por certo, subestimar
Sentence: Don't take me for granted, you don't know what i'm capable of.

Stay tuned for more!
See ya! 👱💬

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