terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2017

(1º season)


#1. Drop someone off
Meaning - To deliver someone at a particular place.
Translation - Deixar alguém em algum lugar
Sentence: Could you give me a lift and drop me off at the airport?!

#2. Be grounded 
Meaning - To be isolated from leisure.
Translation - Estar de castigo
Sentence: Barry was never grounded for low grades. He is such a genuine person!

#3. Be yanked
Meaning - to catch something, perhaps an object from someone.
Translation - Ser arrancado(a)
Sentence: The evidence was yanked from the cop's hand.

#4. Cut someone off
Meaning - To make someone stop to talk, to interrupt
Translation - Interromper alguém
Sentence: Barry cut the mayor off during his speech.

#5. Be trapped
Meaning - To be locked up in a closed room. 
Translation - Estar preso (numa cilada)
Sentence: I can't believe I'm trapped in this filthy room!

#6. Cordon off 
Meaning - To isolate an area in order to not compromise the evidence, to seal off
Translation - Isolar uma área
Sentence: The cops cordoned off during Barry's mom murder investigation.

#7. Binge-watch
Meaning - To watch multiple episodes of series in a row
Translation - Maratonar
Sentence: Wanna binge-watch today Iris?! What about Netflix and chill, huh?

#8. Rip out
Meaning - to tear, to remove 
Translation - Rasgar, remover
Sentence: Oh, damn it! I ripped out my suit.

#9. Back up
Meaning - to support someone, give assistance
Translation - Apoiar, auxiliar
Sentence: Can you back me up tonight Joe? I've got a date.

#10. Screw up
Meaning - to do something wrong
Translation - Vacilar, estragar tudo
Sentence: I ran back in time twice Iris, I'm sorry I screw up!

#11. Hit (things) up
Meaning - to bump into something, to colide
Translation - Acertar, atingir
Sentence: I can't see a thing! I'm hitting everything up!

#12. Feel like
Meaning - to be in the mood for something
Translation - Estar afim de
Sentence: I feel like Lasagna today!

#13. Pin for someone
Meaning - to like someone
Translation - gostar de alguém
Sentence: It's hard to pin for someone you can't have.

#14. Hold off on
Meaning - to pull off, postpone
Translation - Adiar, esperar
Sentence: There are things we can't simply hold off on, like saving people from monster.

#15. Catch up
Meaning - To talk after long time not seeing someone, to reach
Translation - Botar o papo em dia, alcançar
Sentence 1: Run Barry! Catch him up!
Sentence 2: Why don't we catch up someday?

See you next time! Bye!

quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2017



Most of the nouns are in the post previously mentioned: 

Here, I'm going to talk about other nouns mentioned in the series, perhaps not related to Medicine but still really commonly used in daily basis, so QUITE important! Let's take a look! 👀

#1. Fuzzy
Translation - Obscuro
Sentence: My childhood was a bit fuzzy, Alex.

#2. Leap
Translation - Salto, pulo
Sentence: The nurse made a leap when first saw a man coding.

#3. Wasp
Translation - Vespa
Sentence: Why is there a wasp in my room?

#4. Bland
Translation - Suave, brando
Sentence: Today is so bland that I'm thinking strange, you know?!

#5. Savior
Translation - Salvador
Sentence: Lord is my savior!

#6. Handicap
Translation - Desvantagem
Sentence: I've got handicap comparing to Meredith. She is Ellis' daughter!

#7. Rousing
Translation - Inflamado
Sentence: You injury is rousing, we have to run some tests.

#8. Bouncy house
Translation - Pula-pula
Sentence: This hospital is not a bouncy house where you can play!

#9. Swamped
Translation - Inundado
Sentence: Where did this water come from? It's everything swamped, probably the pipe broke down!

*pipe = cano

#10. Leash
Translation - Coleira
Sentence: Do you see a leash around my neck? I don't belong to anyone!

#11. Stooge
Translation - Fantoche
Sentence: Don't treat me as a stooge!

#12. Cranky
Translation - Excêntrico, bravo
Sentence: Don't be so cranky Christina!

#13. Slit (also a verb)
Translation - Incisão 
Sentence: Make a short slit over here and there.

#14. Stat
Translation - Imediatamente
Sentence: Book a room, stat!!

#15. Demure
Translation - Modesto
Sentence: Brillant professionals don't have to be demure.

See you next time!!

terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2017

(1º season)


Phrasal Verbs are structures combined wtih verb + preposition(s) which can be separable or unseparable.

#1. Pick on 
Translation - Pegar no pé
Sentence: Stop pickin' on me and leave me alone!

#2. Kick in
Translation - Entrar em vigor
Sentence: The new gadget is finally starting to kick in.

#3. Shut down
Translation - Desligar
Sentence: Barry, shout out the cameras so that she can't see you.

#4. Cover up
Translation - Tampar
Sentence: Cover up the corpse, Joe.

#5. Settle in
Translation - Instalar-se, acomodar-se
Sentence: I strongly believe I'll be able to settle in here.

#6. Blow in
Translation - Chegar repentinamente
Sentence: I was caught off guard when The Flash blew in yesterday.

#7. Sort out
Translation - Resolver
Sentence: I've got all sorted out.

#8. Catch on
Translation - Ficar popular, compreender
Sentence 1: The Flash is gonna catch on, trust me!
Sentence 2: This subject is hard to catch on.

#9. Patch someone up
Meaning - to give basic medical careto someone that helps them temporarily. 
Sentence: Don't worry about injuries Bar, I'll patch you up!

#10. Line up
Translation - Fazer fila
Sentence: Line up, guys! ya'll take pictures!

#11. Pass out (also "faint")
Translation - Desmaiar
Sentence: Professor ?? I think he passed out.

#12. Look after
Translation - Cuidar de alguém
Sentence: Joe, thanks for looking after my son all these years.

#13. Run out of
Translation - Acabar
Sentence: He ran out of energy, beat him now!!!

#14. " (It) turns out"
Translation - Acontece que
Sentence: I thought you were the villan. Turns out Dr. Weels was the bad guy this whole time.

#15. Whip up
Translation - Fazer correndo
Sentence: Cisco, whip up this machine. I'm running out of time!


domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2017



#1. Bruise
Translation - Machucar, ferir
Sentence: I bruised my arm during the racing.

#2.  Brief (also "inform")
Translation - Informar
Sentence: Make sure you brief your dad about your grades or else he'll kill you!

#3. Troop
Translation - Associar
Sentence: I trooped what you said to the situation, you know? Everything makes sense now...

#4. Vet
Translation - Submeter a analise
Sentence: I vetted your school records and congrats, you were accepted.

#5. Steer
Translation - Conduzir, guiar
Sentence: My mum steered the marathon training.

#6. Inherit
Translation - Herdar
Sentence: I inherited my dad's heritage.

#7. Pot
Translation - Por em conserva
Sentence: Babe, pot the vegetables for me?

#8. Log
Translation - Derrubar arvores
Sentence: I still can't believe why some many trees has to be logged.

#9. Lease
Translation - Alugar (por um período significativo)
Sentece: I still can't believe we are gonna have to lease our store!

* To rent : Alugar por um curto/médio período

#10. Sleet
Translation - Chover granizo
Sentence: WOW, watch out! It's starting to sleet!

#11. Auction
Translation - Leiloar
Sentence: We are here to auction this outstanding furniture from 1870. Who bids more than 1000 dollares? 

* Who bids more? = Quem dá mais?

#12. Await
Translation - Aguardar
Sentence: I'm awaiting ma'am, please hurry.

#13. Thrive
Translation - Prosperar
Sentence: Keep studying. I'm sure you thrive very high!

#14. Flap (informal)
Translation - Papear, bater um papo
Sentence: So, I was flapping with Rick and I found out he is married, can you believe that?!

#15. Resent
Translation - Ressentir-se
Sentence: The principal resents from being unfair.

See you next time! 👻👻

quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2017

(1º Season)

AVISO: Em toda série eu vou escolher a palavra que eu julgar mais usada e mais útil! Vou chamar de KEY WORD. Isto tem o intuito de fazer com que vocês realmente memorizarem esta palavra. O homework será fazer uma frase ou paragrafo que contenha esta palavra.

Are you ready for a The Flash spree?! Let's get started!


#1. So far

Meaning - Up to now
Translation - Até agora
Sentence: I haven't increased my speed so far.

#2. For the record

Meaning - Used to remind someone about something
Translation - Só pra constar
Sentence: For the record, I'm the fastest man alive.

#3. Thereof

Translation - Disso, daquilo, daí
Sentence: Any further question thereof, don't hesitate to ask.

#4.  As soon as
Translation - Assim que
Sentence: As soon as I arrived in town, I realized your potential.

#5. From now on
Meaning - From the moment of speaking
Translation - De agora em diante
Sentence: From now on, I'm going to forget Iris and move on.

#6. Regardless of

Meaning - Despite, in spite of
Translation - Independentemente de/da/do
Sentence: Regardless of the weather, I'm going to work.

#7. Give or take (also "about")

Meaning - Aproximately (used only for numbers)
Translation - Mais ou menos (somente para números)
Sentence: This building is give or take 2 meters tall.

#8. Aside from

Meaning - Besides that
Translation - Além de
Sentence: Aside from being fast, you are a super hero, Barry.

#9. Unless

Translation - A menos que 
Sentence: Unless you promise to stop writing about The Streak, I won't go away.

#10. For a while

Meaning - For a moment
Translation - Por um tempo
Sentence: Can you wait me just for a while? I'll be right back.

#11. Or rather

Translation - Ou seja
Sentence: Iris, I like you, or rather, I love you! I've always been in love with you.

#12. Long story short

Meaning - Literally the expression is "To make a long story short";
to sum up, to wrap it up.
Translation - Resumindo
Sentence: I had to save lots of people todays, I went to the mall, square, market, long story short, I'm tired.

#13. Ever since
Translation - Desde então
Sentence: When I first met you, I realized you were the woman of my dreams. Ever since, I can't stop thinking about you and me.

#14. Every now and again

Meaning - Every now and then, sometimes
Translation - De vez em quando
Sentence: A girl gotta be a hero every now and again.

#15. Unlikely
Translation - Improvável
Sentence: It's quite unlikely Arrow shows up, but you know, he is unpredictable.

#16. In a flash
Translation - Num instante
Sentence: I come back in a flash, literally!

#17. Rather than (also Instead of)
Translation - Ao invés de
Sentence: Rather than suffering, why don't you let it go, Barry?

#18. Actually (also "in fact")
Translation - Na verdade, na realidade
Sentence: Actually, I really do wanna play with you. 

#19. Better yet
Translation - Melhor ainda
Sentence: Let's get to work, better yet, let's grab a drink.

#20. Either way
Meaning - In both cases
Translation - Em ambos os casos
Sentence: Either way, I'll have to risk myself.

#21. Concerning (also "regarding, related to")
Translation - A respeito de
Sentence: Concerning your research Cisco, it's very well-prepared.


See you next post! ❤👄

segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2017



#1. Grip
Translation - Agarrar
Sentence: The kid gripped his mother's hand.

#2. Sneak out
Translation - Sair de fininho
Sentence: I'll sneak out of school tomorrow, no biggie.

#3. Stir up
Translation - Agitar
Sentence: Stir up the drink and fire!!

#4. To be off the hook
Translation - Estar safo
Sentence: Chill out, you are off the hook I saved your ass!

#5. Broil (also Grill)
Translation - Grelhar
Sentence: Broil the steak and flip it twice.

*flip = vire

#6. Wing
Translation - Improvisar
Sentence: If you froze in front of class, just wing it.

#7. Carve
Translation - Esculpir
Sentence: Why did you carve your name on my wall?

#8. Sear
Translation - Dourar
Sentence: Could you sear my fish a bit more, chef?

#9. Reason
Translation - Raciocinar
Sentence: Humans have the ability to reason logically.

#10. Bust
Translation - Falir
Sentence: I'm devastated mom, I still can't believe our store is busting.

#11. Avert
Translation - Prevenir
Sentence: I wanna avert problems, you know? Better be quiet.

#12. Boost
Translation -  Impulsionar
Sentence: The huge consumerism nowadays is boosting the economy.

#13. Outline
Translation - Traçar
Sentence: You ought to outline your career to be succed!

#14. Head home
Translation - "Go home" , ir, dirigir
Sentence: I should head home, it's getting late.

#15. Jazz up (also "cheer up")
Translation - Animar
Sentence: Let's go, Nick! I know how to jazz you up!

See you next time! 😼😻

domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2017

Good Witch 


#1. PIN
Translation - Alfinetar
Sentence: Can you pin the postcard for me?

Translation - Assustar
Sentence: God! Don't startle me like that, man.

#3. ROAM
Translation - Vagabundear
Sentence: Nick just roams instead of studying, I don't know what to do.

Translation - Enganar
Sentence: I don't like to be deceived, this is hard to forgive.

Translation - Recuar, aliviar
Sentence: Ease off ! He is my son and I have full custody!

#6. TRIP
Translation - Tropeçar
Sentence: I tripped over my feet, they hurt!!!!

Translation - Ultrapassar
Sentence: Son, outrun your opponent in the last minute. Until then, save up your energy.

#8. WEAR sb DOWN
Translation - Cansar alguém
Sentence: You'll wear him down during the race, got it?

Translation - Exaltar-se
Sentence: I can't think straight, my emotions are flaring up too hard.

Translation - Socializar, misturar-se
Sentence; My entire life, I've been really shy you know? It's though for me to mingle.

Translation - Lavar, branquear
Sentence: As hosting guests, we launder their clothes as white as possible!

#12. PLEAD
Translation - Defender
Sentence: You don't need to plead me. I can't take care of myself.

#13. SLATE
Translation - Elerger, condiatar-se
Sentence: Attention everybody, tonight our candidates will slate for a mayor position. That said, let's make a wise choice!

#14. PREP (noun: preparatório)
Translation - Preparar-se
Sentence: Prep yourself, we are moving out.

Translation - Terminar o mandato
Sentence: Unfortunately, I'm standing down in a couple of days. I hope to see you soon!

'Til next time!

sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2017



 Good Witch

This TV show talks about a two-children single mom who practices alternative medicine in order to help others.
Well, in my view, it's destined to teens who like teenage romance, but I mean, it's always good to watch different types of series to get new vocab.

Today, we are going to talk about VERBS!


#1. To chime
Translation - Badalar
Sentence: Cassie, what about going to chime today, uh?

#2. To perch
Translation - Colocar de pé
Sentence: Daughter! Could you please perch that statue in the shelf?

#3. To rat out
Translation - Delatar, dedurar
Sentence: I rat him out to the principal, mom.

#4. To settle in
Translation - acomodar-se, adaptar-se
Sentence: Make yourself comfortable in my hostel! You can grab some food over there and settle in.

#5. To endure
Translation - Aguentar, suportar (also "stand, put up with")
Sentence: Well, I know it's hard but you have to endure this situation for now.

#6. To run tests
Translation - Fazer exames
Sentence: Nick, is your dad home? We need to run some tests for my father. He is not feeling well.

#7. To summon
Translation: Convocar
Sentence: Summon the Mayor right away!!!!!

#8. To blow off
Translation - Ignorar
Sentence: Rick is blowing me off! I don't know what to do!

#9. To patronize
Translation - Apadrinhar
Sentence: I'm aware you don't want my help, but I could patronize your business you know?

#10. To embellish
Translation - Embelezar
Sentence: Embellishing yourself right? Special night?

#11. To spoil (adj: spoiled)
Translation - Mimar
Sentence: I guess your parents spoil you too much, but it's just my opinion...

#12. To get busted
Translation - Quebrar-se, danificar-se
Sentence: I got busted after cleaning up this entire house.

#13. To ail
Translation - Sofrer, incomodar
Sentence: It poped up a lump in my chest yesterday, I need to see a doctor immediately!

*lump: nódulo

#14. To align
Translation - Alinhar, ajustar
Sentence: Cassie is supposed to align the books every morning.

#15. To seize
Translation - Aproveitar
Sentence: Seize your stay! Welcome!

See you babies!!

quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2017


This vocabulary list will help you understand the sentence in brackets [] that show up in series or movies when watched with English subtitles.

#1. Voice fading
Translation - Voz falhando

#2. Woman chuckling
Translation - Mulher gargalhando

#.3  Voice distorced
Translation - Voz distorcida

#4. Inhale sharply
Translation - Inalar bruscamente

#5. Stuttering
Translation - Balbuciando

#6. Sobbing
Translation - Soluçando aos prantos

#7. Door slamming
Translation - Porta batendo fortemente

#8. Clearing the throat
Translation - Limpando a garganta

#9. Laughs
Translation - Risadas

#10. Phone beeps
Translation - O celular toca (after a text message)

#11. Knocking on the door
Translation - Batendo na porta

Knockin' on heaven's door
Guns N' Roses

Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door

#12. Phone vibrating
Translation - Celular vibrando

#13. Sighs and moans
Translation - Suspiros e gemidos

#14. Grunting
Translation - Grunir

#15. Whispering
Translation - Sussurrando

#16. Phone ringing
Translation - Celular tocando (after a call)

#17. Coughing
Translation - Tossindo

#18. Music playing
Translation - Música tocando

#19. Coins clattering
Translation - Moedas tinindo, fazendo barulho

If you shake this necklace, the coins are going to clatter.

#20. Door opens/closes
Translation - Porta abre/fecha

#21. Thermometer beeps
Translation - Termômetro apita


#22. Gasps
Translation - Suspiros

#23. Tires screeching
Translation - Pneus guinchando

#24. Door buzzes
Translation - Porta rangendo

#25. Stammers
Translation - Gagueja

#26. Breathing heavily
Translation - Respirando profundamente

#27. Struggling
Translation - Debatendo-se

#28. Phone chimes
Translation - Celular fazendo barulho de campainha

#29. Murmuring
Translation - Murmurando

#30. Screaming
Translation - Gritando

#31. Scattered laughter
Translation - Riso disperso


#32. Applause and cheers
Translation - Aplausos e satisfação 

So long! 😄💕