domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2017


Well, today's post is about a TV show for airplane fans: PAN AM!
Unfortunately, it only lasted 9 episodes but is worth watching!
Before watching the series, take a look at my vocabulary list so that you can MASTER it!


Before boarding, the pilot/co-pilot says…

- Fuel quantity checked
- Flight controls free and correct

#1. To detain in costums (v.)
Translation - deter/parar na alfandega.
Sentence: I was detained in costums this afternoon. 

#2. To launch (v.)

Translation - lançar
Sentence: The airplane was launched by catapult.

#3. To departure on schedule (v.)

Translation - Decolar na hora prevista.
Sentence: Unfortunately, the aircraft hasn't departured on schedule.

#4. To settle (v.)

Translation - Acomodar-se no aviao 
Sentence: Attention passangers, you're allow to settle in your seats. Please, any requirement you can raise your hands.

#5. To sit by the window/aisle (v.)

Translation - Sentar na janela/corredor
Sentence: Sir, would you rather sit by the window or the aisle?

*"Aisle" is pronounced like /aIl/

#6. To take off/ roll out (v.)

Translation - Decolar
Sentence 1: The airplane is taking off in 2 minutes.
Sentence 2: Ready to roll out, pilot?

#7. To land (v.)

Translation - Aterrissar
Sentence: What time does the plane land?

#8. Buckle up! (exp.)

Translation - Aperte os cintos!
Sentence: Buckle up, we are taking off!

#9. To fasten one's seatbelts (v.)

Translation - Afivelar os cintos
Sentence: Please, fasten your seatbelts before the takeoff.

#10. To head (v.)

Translation - Ir em direção a
Sentence 1: I'm heading home! (=going home)
Sentence 2: Flight level 3-5-0 heading 0-1-niner degrees.
(Nível de voo 3-5-0 indo em direçao a 0-1-9 graus.

#11. To secure (v.)

Translation - Garantir ( also "make sure" but is more informal)
Sentence: Pilot, secure a location on Bridget Pierce.

#12. To switch seats (v.)

Translation - Trocar de assento
Sentence: Excuse me, Could you switch seats with me?

#13. Get off the ground (exp.)

Translation - Sair do chão (neste caso, sair e ir para o avião)
Sentence: Guys, get off the ground and come over here!

#14. To boost off (v.)

Translation - Desligar 
Sentence: Oh my god, the engine boosted off!

#15. to relay a/the response (v.)

Translation - Retransmitir uma resposta
Sentence: First officer, please relay the response to the pilot.

#16. Jump the line (exp.)

Translation - Furar fila
Sentence: Mister, It's not allowed to jump the line in our company.
 Please, step back.

#17. Welcome aboard! (exp.)

Translation - Bem-vindos a bordo!
Sentece: Welcome aboard, Pan Am airlines is pleased to 
have you here tonight.

#18. I get to see the world (exp.)

Translation - Eu posso ver o mundo
Used among employees in this field.
Sentence: I don't want anything else in my life, I mean, 
I get to see the world and I love it!

#19. Right this way / follow my lead (exp.)

Translation - Por aqui 
Sentence: Right this way ma'am.

#20. On short notice (exp.)

Translation - De última hora
Sentence: The stewardess boarded on short notice.

#21. To faint/ pass out (v.)

Translation - Desmaiar
Sentence: Mr. Esch fainted/passed out during the flight.

#22. To travel (number(s)) hour(s) straight (exp.)

Translation - Viajar (número(s)) hora(s) direto
Sentence: I traveled 10 hours straight to Japan.

#23. To hit a patch of rough air/ 

experience some turbulence (exp.)
Translation - Passar por uma turbulência
Sentence: We are hitting a patch of rough air but 
everything is under control.

#24. To be wheels up (exp.)

Translation - Estar decolando
Sentence: We're wheels up at 9 sharp.

#25. Manifest (n.) 

Translation: Lista de passageiros
Sentence: Jack, where is the manifest? - in the lobby! noooo!

*lobby = saguão

#26. To bench (v.)

Translation - ser o reserva de alguém
Sentence: Mr.Smiths is benching Mr.Junior today. 
He is not feeling very well.

#27. To drop

Translation - Derrubar
Sentence: The flight attendant dropped coffee in my suitcase.

*suitace = maleta

#28. Stewardess / flight attendant (n.)

Translation - Comissária de bordo / aeromoça
Sentence: Stewardess, please!

#29. Girdle (n.)

Translation - Espartilho 
Sentence: You girdle and stocking are ripped/teared, sir.

*ripped/teared = rasgado

*stocking = socks

#30. Purser (n.)

Translation - Chefe de cabine
Sentence: Who is the purser in this flight?

#31. (Departure) gate (n.)

Translation - Porta de embarque
Sentence: Flight 7648, gate 2B.

#32. Boarding call (n.)

Translation - Chamada
Sentence: This is the final boarding call for flight 456.

#33. Takeoff (or a launch or a roll-out) /landing (n.)

Translation - Decolagem/Aterrissagem
Sentence: The takeoff will be at 6 a.m and landing at 9 a.m.

#34. Cockpit/cabin (n.)

Translation - Cabine de avião
Sentence: The pilot is heading to the cockpit.

*Booth - outros tipos de cabine

#35. Brand new (exp.)

Translation - Novinho em folha
Sentence: Boeing 787 is a brand new aircraft!

#36. Maiden Voyage (n.)

Translation - Voo de inauguração 
Sentence: Today is a big-time day, because
 it's Pan Am's maiden voyage.

#37. Ransom demand (n.)

Translation - Pedido de resgate
Sentence: I'm afraid our fuel is sweeping out, so the pump 
is no longer working. We need a ransom demand right away!!! 
Call the headquarters!

*sweep out = esgotar 

*pump = bomba de gasolina
*headquarters = matriz

#38. To be grounded (v.)

Translation - Ser penalizado / ficar de castigo
Sentence: I was grounded for uniform violation. In our company, 
you're supposed to follow the rules to letter.

*to letter = ao pé da letra, a risca

#39. To reach (v.)

Translation - Alcançar
Sentence: The aircraft reached 37.000 feet.

#40. To bail out (v.)

Translation - Amarelar
Sentence: The airwoman bailed out from her first flight.

*airwoman = piloto (mulher)


1) To live up: Cumprir, comprometer-se

2) To spike: batizar a comida ou bebida de alguém
3) To christen: batizar (na igreja)
4) To chew gum: Mascar chiclete
5) Give a second thought: Não dar a mínima
6) Tattle-tale: Dedo duro
7) In a row: na sequencia, um atrás do outro
8) I didn't catch your name: Não gravei seu nome
9) Glutton: Comilão
10) What else is new?: Me conta uma novidade!
11) To wave around: Acenar
12) To stand up on someone: Dar um bolo em alguém
13) To disown: Renegar
14) To claim a steak: Reivindicar

Any questions, write in the comments!

See ya.

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