sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2017


Hello Folks! How is it going?
So, today I'm gonna talk about an outstanding TV series : Grey's Anatomy!
Grey's Anatomy is a TV show based on Medicine and explore lots of specific vocabulary!
This vocabulary will help you understand the content and allow your English to be muuuuuch better!
Shall we take a look at them?

Top 22 Verbs :

# 1. Scrub in/out:
Definition – To take part in surgeries whether as a surgeon or a nurse.
Translation - Operar (sendo médico)
Sentence: Bailey, I’d like to scrub in. Can I?
Sentence 2: Karev, scrub out of my surgery! NOW!

Definition – To call someone through a pager.
Translation - Bipar 
Sentence: Page cardio! I think she is having a heart attack!!

#3.Book an OR!

Translation - Reservar uma sala de operações 
Sentence - Hey, intern! Book an OR for tomorrow at 9!

Definition – To move up and down, swing
Translation - Mexer, mover
Sentence: The doctor said she should wiggle her toes.
Sentence 2: Her hips wiggle as she walks.

#5.Have a seizure:
Definition – To move fast and unintentionally one’s muscles.
Translation - Ter uma convulsão 
Sentence: Meredith, she is having a seizure! Hurry!

Definition – To laugh at someone, to kid or fool.
Translation - Zuar, tirar sarro
Sentence: Christina, stop mocking me and leave me alone!

Definition 1 – To get one selves’ fired.
Translation - Demitir-se
Sentence: I’ll quit tomorrow.
Definition 2 – To stop, drop out
Translation - Largar, parar
Sentence: Alex, quit doing it, it’s not worth.

#8. Coffin:
Definition – To place cadavers into a coffin. 
Sentence: Please ma’am, don’t coffin my husband yet. Let me say goodbye to him.

#9.Snap (off):
Definition – To cause something thin to break suddenly or make a quick cracking sound.
Translation - Estalar
Sentence: I’ll be back when you snap your fingers.
Sentence 2: The patient snapped off his back when bended heavily.

#10.Chop off/amputate:
Definition – To cut off, to separate into pieces.
Translation - Cortar fora 
Sentence: Calliope chopped off a guy’s leg due to its non-functionalism.

#11. Take for granted:
Definition – To assume sth as true without knowing for sure.
Translation - tomar por certo/ garantido
-        I’ll rock in the surgery tonight.
-        Don’t take it for granted, you better start hitting the books.

#12. Outrun:
Definition - to move faster or further than someone or something.
Translation - Ultrapassar
Sentence: Run faster! Outrun the gurney and come here now!

Definition - Put something such a plan or sytem in danger of being harmed or damaged.
Translation - Por em risco, arriscar
Sentence : I don't want to jeopardize your clinical trial, so i'm leaving.

Definition - To move away from someone or something because you are embarrassed.
Translation - Inclinar-se
Sentence : I cringed at the sight of my dad dancing.

Definition - to cheat someone
Translation - trapacear (como substantivo: conto do vigário)
Sentence: I think the taxpayers are gyping the government.

1 - Skip classes (Matar aula)
2- Land an aircraft in water in an emergency (Aterrissar avião em caso de emergência)
Sentence: The pilot had to ditch due to severe storms.

Definition - to feel or express great pleasure or satisfaction because of your own success. 
Translation - Vangloriar-se
Sentence: Bailey gloated over Karev because she got a spot on the board.

#18.Gear up:
Definition - to prepare yourself for something
Translation - preparar-se para algo
Sentence: The doctors are gearing up for surgery.

Definition - to give up something such as a responsability. 
Translation - abdicar, abrir mão
Sentence: Derek relinquished his career to stay with Meredith.

Definition - to fight, argue about useless things
Translation - disputar
Sentence: Bailey is bickering over Karev for a position.

Definition - to act or speak towards someone as if they are stupid or not important!
Translation - tratar com indulgencia
Sentence: Jo: - Stop patronizing me! I know how to make the drill!

Denifition - to make something possible to happen.
Translation - Permitir
Sentence: Please, allow me to do my job!

#23. Flatline:
Translation - Estar perto da morte, literalmente vem da situação de "linha rasa"
Sentence: The patient is flatlining, doctors!!

#24. To be coding:
Translation - Quando o coração está parando de bater
Sentence:  He is coding, page cardio now!

That's all for today! See ya :)

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