terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2017

Today, the choosen TV show was ORPHAN BLACK. This is a series in a very informal context. So, the language will also be.
Check it out guys!

  ORPHAN BLACK (part 1.)
Expressions, nouns and adjectives!

1. Out of the blue (exp.)
Translation - Do nada
Sentence: He called my sister totally out of the blue! 

2. Hold on your hat! (exp.)
Translation - Prepare-se
Sentence: Hold on your hat, the party is gonna start!

3. To be drifting (exp.)
Translation - Estar a deriva
Sentence: I'm drifting at the sea.

4. To eavesdrop (exp.)
Translation - Escutar atrás da porta
Sentence: Sarah is eavesdroping Felix's conversation.

5. I'm so gaga over (obj. pron.)! (exp.)
Translation - Sou tao apaixonado (a) por (alguem)!
Sentence: Oh wow, she is so gaga over him, look at her!

6. To lead up to (exp.)
Translation - Preparar o terreno
Sentence: You take your kid to school while I lead up to, 
when you come back we talk to Felix.

7. Pet peeve (n.)
Translation - Cisma, implicância
Sentence: Alison has a pet peeve with me but I don't know why.

8. To come to terms (with) (exp.) 
Translation - Lidar (com)
Sentence: Alright, have a seat so that we come to terms with this situation.

9. Booze (n.) / booze hound (adj.)
Translation - Bebida (sentido pejorativo) / alcoólatra
Sentence: Let's gather at my place, it's gonna have some booze and loud music!

10. Tweaker (adj.)
Translation - Usuário de metanfetamina
Sentence: Hey, don't talk to her, she is just a crazy tweaker.

11.Snitch/ tatlle-tale (adj.)
Translation - Dedo-duro
Sentence: Be careful with Sadler, she is such a snitch.

12. Pill pooper (adj.)
Translation - Viciado em analgésicos
Sentence: I heard she a pill pooper..

13. Hop-head (adj.)
Translation - Dependente químico
Sentence: My dad is a hop-head. I hate him!

14. Street urchin (n.)
Translation - Menino de rua/ moleque
Sentence: I gave 20 pounds to a street urchin today mother!

15. Shaky (adj.)
Translation - Instável
Sentence:  What happened? She seems so shaky..

16. Rookie (adj.)
Translation - Novato, recruta
Sentence: Mark, can you teach Sarah the job? She is a rookie here.

17. Hustle (n.)
Translation - Conto-do-vigário
Sentence: I don't buy it, it's certainly hustle!

18. Uptight (also nervous) (adj.)
Translation - Nervoso(a) 
Sentece: Why are you so uptight Alison?

19. Dirty (adj.)
Translation - Sujo, corrupto
Sentence: Police Sanders is dirty, be careful with him to not jeopardize the mission.

20. Wire (n.)
Translation - Escuta
Sentenve: The cops installed a wire in the suspect house.

21. Fink (n.)
Translation- Informante
Sentence: TELL ME! Who is your fink?

22. Surrogate (n.)
Translation - Substituto
Sentence: Who is going to be my surrogate on my vacations?

23. Nametape (n.)
Translation - Etiqueta de identificação
Sentence: Look at my nametape, I'm a cop.

24.  Handcuffs (n.)
Translation - Algemas
Sentence: Pick up the handcuffs, and let's go to work!

25. Spun (adj.)
Translation - Chapada
Sentence: Are you spun or that?

26. Grafter/ lowlife (adj.)
Translation - Vigarista/ crápula
Sentence: Sorry, but I don't rely on grafters.

*rely on = trust

27. Framed (adj.)
Translation - Forjado
Sentence: My ID has been framed, what do I do?

28. To be on duty (exp.)
Translation - Estar de plantão 
Sentence: I can't go out today, i'm on duty.

29. Shamble (n.)
Translation - Desordem
Sentence: We are not supposed to clean up this enormous shamble, right?

30. Skank (adj.)
Translation - Riponga
Sentence: My sestra is so skank, omg!

E este foi o vocabulário sobre expressões, substantivos e adjetivos de ORPHAN BLACK. 
A segunda parte vai abordar os verbos mencionados na série!
See ya next time :*

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