segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2017

                    HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER

Honestly, Viola Davis is the best actress in my view.
How to get away with murder is an EXCELLENT tv show, 'cuz her role enriches a lot the content.
That said, let's be prepared to understand this type of vocab. Shall we?

#1. To get away with murder 
Translation - Sair impune de um assassinato.
Sentence: In my class, you will be able to get away with murder even being guilty.

*guilty = culpado

#2. To walk into 
Translation - Se involver
Sentence: The victim's wife walked into the murder when she touched his corpse.

*corpse = cadaver

#3. Under the table
Translation - Por baixo do pano
Sentence: I'm not sure if i can hire this crime under the table.

#4. To burglarize
Translation - Arrombar
Sentence: A stupid gangster burglarized my house!

#5. To pin it on
Translation - Culpar alguém por algo (no contexto da série, por um crime)
Sentence: Don't pin it on me! It's not my fault!

*fault = culpa

#6. To discredit
Translation - Desacreditar
Sentence: Lesson one: Discredit the witnesses.

#7. To spread out
Translation - Esparlhar-se
Sentence: The news of John's arrestment spread out quickly.

#8. To grill out
Translation - Interrogar alguém cerradamente
Sentence: After being grilled out by the cops,  he signed a confession.

*cops = police

#9. To sign a confession
Translation - Assumir-se como culpado
Sentence - Karla signed a confession on the court.

*court = corte

#10. To flame out
Translation - Falhar
Sentece: The attorney flamed out representing me.


Laywer = Ser qualificado para exercer advocacia.
Attorney = Representante legal, procurador.

Em suma, LAYWER pode ser usado tanto para o advogado que exerce o direito como para aquele que ainda não exerce.
Sentence: He is a lawyer by training.

e ATTORNEY é utilizado para mandatários em geral (representante de uma empresa) e também para profissionais em exercício.
Sentence: My attorney is coming right away.

Termos relacionados:

-Power of attorney - Procuração
-Attorney fees - Honorários advocatícios
-Attorney of record - Advogado constituído para representar o cliente em juízo
-Attorney-client relantionship - Relaçao cliente-advogado
- Research attorney - Advogado especializado em pesquisa
-Briefing attorney - Advogado especializado em elaborar petições
-Lay firm - Escritório de advocacia

#11. To slay
Translation - Matar, assassinar
Sentence: My god, my aunt slayed my niece. I'm still in shock with this situation.

#12. To incriminate
Translation - Incriminar
Sentence: He refused to say anything that might incriminate himself.

#13.To draft contracts (v.)
Translation - Elaborar contratos
Sentence: I need some assistance to draft these contracts.

*assistance = help

#14. Blackmail (v. and n.)
Translation - Chantagear/ chantagem
Sentence: They used the photographs to blackmail her into spying for them.

#15. To acquit
Translation - Absolver
Sentence: She was acquitted of all the charges against her.

*charges = acusações 

#16. To frame (v.)
Translation - Incriminar
Sentence: He was framed by the police.

#17. To claim (v.)
Translation - Alegar
Sentence: He claimed he is innocent.

#18.To post bail (v.)
Translation - Pagar fiança
Sentence: She was forced to post bail to her child.

#19. Set up (v. and n.)
Translation - Armar/ armação
Sentence: The detective found out the set up against Elena.

#20. Your honor (n.)
Translation - Excelência
Sentence :  - Your honor, objection!
                  - Withdrawn! or - Sustained! 

* Objection = objeçao
*Withdrawn = negado
*Sustained = mantido

#21. No further questions (exp.)
Translation - Sem mais perguntas
Sentence: No further questions, your honor.

#22. To spill a secret / to spill the beans (v.)
Translation - Revelar um segredo/ dar com a língua nos dentes
Sentence: Annalise's client spilt/spilled a secret that has lead to prison.

*has lead to = levou a

#23. Scapegoat (n.)
Translation - Bode espiatório
Sentence: The government is looking for a scapegoat to obtain answers.

#24. To be on trial (v.)
Translation - Estar em julgamento
Sentence:  I was on trial for theft in 2002. In 2003, I was condemmed and paid for it.

*condemmed = condenada

#25. Behind bars (exp.)
Translation - Atrás das grades
Sentence: They were send behing bars after a rape against a 15-year-old student.

*rape = estupro

#26.  To get rid of (v.)
Translation - Livrar-se de
Sentence: All I want is getting rid of the charges raised against me.

*charges raised against = acusações levantadas contra

#27. Defendant (n.)
Translation - Réu
Sentence - The defendant was acquitted.

#27. Witness (v. and n.)
Translation - Testemunhar/ testemunha
Sentence: I had to overthrow because I witnessed a crime.

#28. To overthrow (v.)
Translation - Depor
Sentence: I overthrew this afternoon in favor of my uncle.

#29. Harassment (n.)
Translation - Assédio
Sentence: Bob was arrested for sexual harassment.

#30. To be arrested/ to be caught (v.)
Translation - Ser preso/ ser pego em flagrante
Sentence: The defendant was caught comminting a violation.

#31. Chain of custody (n.)
Translation - Cadeia de custódia
Sentence:  He deserves to be treated in a special way throughout his chain of custody.

*throughout = ao longo de

#32. Paralegal (n.)
Translation - Assitente de advogado
Sentence: Please, Mr. Smiths hire a new paralegal to my law firm.

#33. Legal counseling (n.)
Translation - Assessoria jurídica
Sentence: It's required legal couseling to his parents, immediately!

#34. Log (v. and n.)
Translation - Registrar/ registro
Sentence: It's logged all the instances in my pc.

*instances = casos jurídicos

#35. Inheritance/ heritage (n.)
Translation - Herança
Sentence: My dad was forced to pay my inheritance before the law.

*before the law = perante a lei

#36. Misdemeanor/ offence (n.)
Translation - Delito
Sentence: Annalise teaches how to avoid commission of offence.

#37. Plea deal (n.)
Translation - Acordo judicial
Sentence: The court agreed to grant a plea deal to him.

*grant = conceder

#38. Legal aid (n.)
Translation - Assitencia jurídica gratuita
Sentence: Fortunately, it was granted legal aid to my client.

#39. To reduce a sentence (v.)
Translation - Reduzir uma pena
Sentence: His sentence was reduced to 3 years.

#40. To prevail (v.)
Translation - Prevalecer
Sentence: In court, prevails the jury veredict.

*veredict = veredito


1) To alter: alterar, modificar
2) To ednure: suportar
3) To team up: reunir-se
4) To strike: atacar
5) To squirt: expelir
6) To butcher: trucidar
7) To cling: amarrar-se
8) To suppress: suprimir, abafar
9) To swipe: bater com violência
10) To tick off; aborrecer
11) To blow off: ignorar
12) To walk out: sair em protesto
13) To be up: estar de pé
14) To grow a pair: tomar coragem
15) To beat my approach: superar minha abordagem

See you in the next TV show! :P

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