terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2017

Today, the choosen TV show was ORPHAN BLACK. This is a series in a very informal context. So, the language will also be.
Check it out guys!

  ORPHAN BLACK (part 1.)
Expressions, nouns and adjectives!

1. Out of the blue (exp.)
Translation - Do nada
Sentence: He called my sister totally out of the blue! 

2. Hold on your hat! (exp.)
Translation - Prepare-se
Sentence: Hold on your hat, the party is gonna start!

3. To be drifting (exp.)
Translation - Estar a deriva
Sentence: I'm drifting at the sea.

4. To eavesdrop (exp.)
Translation - Escutar atrás da porta
Sentence: Sarah is eavesdroping Felix's conversation.

5. I'm so gaga over (obj. pron.)! (exp.)
Translation - Sou tao apaixonado (a) por (alguem)!
Sentence: Oh wow, she is so gaga over him, look at her!

6. To lead up to (exp.)
Translation - Preparar o terreno
Sentence: You take your kid to school while I lead up to, 
when you come back we talk to Felix.

7. Pet peeve (n.)
Translation - Cisma, implicância
Sentence: Alison has a pet peeve with me but I don't know why.

8. To come to terms (with) (exp.) 
Translation - Lidar (com)
Sentence: Alright, have a seat so that we come to terms with this situation.

9. Booze (n.) / booze hound (adj.)
Translation - Bebida (sentido pejorativo) / alcoólatra
Sentence: Let's gather at my place, it's gonna have some booze and loud music!

10. Tweaker (adj.)
Translation - Usuário de metanfetamina
Sentence: Hey, don't talk to her, she is just a crazy tweaker.

11.Snitch/ tatlle-tale (adj.)
Translation - Dedo-duro
Sentence: Be careful with Sadler, she is such a snitch.

12. Pill pooper (adj.)
Translation - Viciado em analgésicos
Sentence: I heard she a pill pooper..

13. Hop-head (adj.)
Translation - Dependente químico
Sentence: My dad is a hop-head. I hate him!

14. Street urchin (n.)
Translation - Menino de rua/ moleque
Sentence: I gave 20 pounds to a street urchin today mother!

15. Shaky (adj.)
Translation - Instável
Sentence:  What happened? She seems so shaky..

16. Rookie (adj.)
Translation - Novato, recruta
Sentence: Mark, can you teach Sarah the job? She is a rookie here.

17. Hustle (n.)
Translation - Conto-do-vigário
Sentence: I don't buy it, it's certainly hustle!

18. Uptight (also nervous) (adj.)
Translation - Nervoso(a) 
Sentece: Why are you so uptight Alison?

19. Dirty (adj.)
Translation - Sujo, corrupto
Sentence: Police Sanders is dirty, be careful with him to not jeopardize the mission.

20. Wire (n.)
Translation - Escuta
Sentenve: The cops installed a wire in the suspect house.

21. Fink (n.)
Translation- Informante
Sentence: TELL ME! Who is your fink?

22. Surrogate (n.)
Translation - Substituto
Sentence: Who is going to be my surrogate on my vacations?

23. Nametape (n.)
Translation - Etiqueta de identificação
Sentence: Look at my nametape, I'm a cop.

24.  Handcuffs (n.)
Translation - Algemas
Sentence: Pick up the handcuffs, and let's go to work!

25. Spun (adj.)
Translation - Chapada
Sentence: Are you spun or that?

26. Grafter/ lowlife (adj.)
Translation - Vigarista/ crápula
Sentence: Sorry, but I don't rely on grafters.

*rely on = trust

27. Framed (adj.)
Translation - Forjado
Sentence: My ID has been framed, what do I do?

28. To be on duty (exp.)
Translation - Estar de plantão 
Sentence: I can't go out today, i'm on duty.

29. Shamble (n.)
Translation - Desordem
Sentence: We are not supposed to clean up this enormous shamble, right?

30. Skank (adj.)
Translation - Riponga
Sentence: My sestra is so skank, omg!

E este foi o vocabulário sobre expressões, substantivos e adjetivos de ORPHAN BLACK. 
A segunda parte vai abordar os verbos mencionados na série!
See ya next time :*

segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2017

                    HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER

Honestly, Viola Davis is the best actress in my view.
How to get away with murder is an EXCELLENT tv show, 'cuz her role enriches a lot the content.
That said, let's be prepared to understand this type of vocab. Shall we?

#1. To get away with murder 
Translation - Sair impune de um assassinato.
Sentence: In my class, you will be able to get away with murder even being guilty.

*guilty = culpado

#2. To walk into 
Translation - Se involver
Sentence: The victim's wife walked into the murder when she touched his corpse.

*corpse = cadaver

#3. Under the table
Translation - Por baixo do pano
Sentence: I'm not sure if i can hire this crime under the table.

#4. To burglarize
Translation - Arrombar
Sentence: A stupid gangster burglarized my house!

#5. To pin it on
Translation - Culpar alguém por algo (no contexto da série, por um crime)
Sentence: Don't pin it on me! It's not my fault!

*fault = culpa

#6. To discredit
Translation - Desacreditar
Sentence: Lesson one: Discredit the witnesses.

#7. To spread out
Translation - Esparlhar-se
Sentence: The news of John's arrestment spread out quickly.

#8. To grill out
Translation - Interrogar alguém cerradamente
Sentence: After being grilled out by the cops,  he signed a confession.

*cops = police

#9. To sign a confession
Translation - Assumir-se como culpado
Sentence - Karla signed a confession on the court.

*court = corte

#10. To flame out
Translation - Falhar
Sentece: The attorney flamed out representing me.


Laywer = Ser qualificado para exercer advocacia.
Attorney = Representante legal, procurador.

Em suma, LAYWER pode ser usado tanto para o advogado que exerce o direito como para aquele que ainda não exerce.
Sentence: He is a lawyer by training.

e ATTORNEY é utilizado para mandatários em geral (representante de uma empresa) e também para profissionais em exercício.
Sentence: My attorney is coming right away.

Termos relacionados:

-Power of attorney - Procuração
-Attorney fees - Honorários advocatícios
-Attorney of record - Advogado constituído para representar o cliente em juízo
-Attorney-client relantionship - Relaçao cliente-advogado
- Research attorney - Advogado especializado em pesquisa
-Briefing attorney - Advogado especializado em elaborar petições
-Lay firm - Escritório de advocacia

#11. To slay
Translation - Matar, assassinar
Sentence: My god, my aunt slayed my niece. I'm still in shock with this situation.

#12. To incriminate
Translation - Incriminar
Sentence: He refused to say anything that might incriminate himself.

#13.To draft contracts (v.)
Translation - Elaborar contratos
Sentence: I need some assistance to draft these contracts.

*assistance = help

#14. Blackmail (v. and n.)
Translation - Chantagear/ chantagem
Sentence: They used the photographs to blackmail her into spying for them.

#15. To acquit
Translation - Absolver
Sentence: She was acquitted of all the charges against her.

*charges = acusações 

#16. To frame (v.)
Translation - Incriminar
Sentence: He was framed by the police.

#17. To claim (v.)
Translation - Alegar
Sentence: He claimed he is innocent.

#18.To post bail (v.)
Translation - Pagar fiança
Sentence: She was forced to post bail to her child.

#19. Set up (v. and n.)
Translation - Armar/ armação
Sentence: The detective found out the set up against Elena.

#20. Your honor (n.)
Translation - Excelência
Sentence :  - Your honor, objection!
                  - Withdrawn! or - Sustained! 

* Objection = objeçao
*Withdrawn = negado
*Sustained = mantido

#21. No further questions (exp.)
Translation - Sem mais perguntas
Sentence: No further questions, your honor.

#22. To spill a secret / to spill the beans (v.)
Translation - Revelar um segredo/ dar com a língua nos dentes
Sentence: Annalise's client spilt/spilled a secret that has lead to prison.

*has lead to = levou a

#23. Scapegoat (n.)
Translation - Bode espiatório
Sentence: The government is looking for a scapegoat to obtain answers.

#24. To be on trial (v.)
Translation - Estar em julgamento
Sentence:  I was on trial for theft in 2002. In 2003, I was condemmed and paid for it.

*condemmed = condenada

#25. Behind bars (exp.)
Translation - Atrás das grades
Sentence: They were send behing bars after a rape against a 15-year-old student.

*rape = estupro

#26.  To get rid of (v.)
Translation - Livrar-se de
Sentence: All I want is getting rid of the charges raised against me.

*charges raised against = acusações levantadas contra

#27. Defendant (n.)
Translation - Réu
Sentence - The defendant was acquitted.

#27. Witness (v. and n.)
Translation - Testemunhar/ testemunha
Sentence: I had to overthrow because I witnessed a crime.

#28. To overthrow (v.)
Translation - Depor
Sentence: I overthrew this afternoon in favor of my uncle.

#29. Harassment (n.)
Translation - Assédio
Sentence: Bob was arrested for sexual harassment.

#30. To be arrested/ to be caught (v.)
Translation - Ser preso/ ser pego em flagrante
Sentence: The defendant was caught comminting a violation.

#31. Chain of custody (n.)
Translation - Cadeia de custódia
Sentence:  He deserves to be treated in a special way throughout his chain of custody.

*throughout = ao longo de

#32. Paralegal (n.)
Translation - Assitente de advogado
Sentence: Please, Mr. Smiths hire a new paralegal to my law firm.

#33. Legal counseling (n.)
Translation - Assessoria jurídica
Sentence: It's required legal couseling to his parents, immediately!

#34. Log (v. and n.)
Translation - Registrar/ registro
Sentence: It's logged all the instances in my pc.

*instances = casos jurídicos

#35. Inheritance/ heritage (n.)
Translation - Herança
Sentence: My dad was forced to pay my inheritance before the law.

*before the law = perante a lei

#36. Misdemeanor/ offence (n.)
Translation - Delito
Sentence: Annalise teaches how to avoid commission of offence.

#37. Plea deal (n.)
Translation - Acordo judicial
Sentence: The court agreed to grant a plea deal to him.

*grant = conceder

#38. Legal aid (n.)
Translation - Assitencia jurídica gratuita
Sentence: Fortunately, it was granted legal aid to my client.

#39. To reduce a sentence (v.)
Translation - Reduzir uma pena
Sentence: His sentence was reduced to 3 years.

#40. To prevail (v.)
Translation - Prevalecer
Sentence: In court, prevails the jury veredict.

*veredict = veredito


1) To alter: alterar, modificar
2) To ednure: suportar
3) To team up: reunir-se
4) To strike: atacar
5) To squirt: expelir
6) To butcher: trucidar
7) To cling: amarrar-se
8) To suppress: suprimir, abafar
9) To swipe: bater com violência
10) To tick off; aborrecer
11) To blow off: ignorar
12) To walk out: sair em protesto
13) To be up: estar de pé
14) To grow a pair: tomar coragem
15) To beat my approach: superar minha abordagem

See you in the next TV show! :P

domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2017


Well, today's post is about a TV show for airplane fans: PAN AM!
Unfortunately, it only lasted 9 episodes but is worth watching!
Before watching the series, take a look at my vocabulary list so that you can MASTER it!


Before boarding, the pilot/co-pilot says…

- Fuel quantity checked
- Flight controls free and correct

#1. To detain in costums (v.)
Translation - deter/parar na alfandega.
Sentence: I was detained in costums this afternoon. 

#2. To launch (v.)

Translation - lançar
Sentence: The airplane was launched by catapult.

#3. To departure on schedule (v.)

Translation - Decolar na hora prevista.
Sentence: Unfortunately, the aircraft hasn't departured on schedule.

#4. To settle (v.)

Translation - Acomodar-se no aviao 
Sentence: Attention passangers, you're allow to settle in your seats. Please, any requirement you can raise your hands.

#5. To sit by the window/aisle (v.)

Translation - Sentar na janela/corredor
Sentence: Sir, would you rather sit by the window or the aisle?

*"Aisle" is pronounced like /aIl/

#6. To take off/ roll out (v.)

Translation - Decolar
Sentence 1: The airplane is taking off in 2 minutes.
Sentence 2: Ready to roll out, pilot?

#7. To land (v.)

Translation - Aterrissar
Sentence: What time does the plane land?

#8. Buckle up! (exp.)

Translation - Aperte os cintos!
Sentence: Buckle up, we are taking off!

#9. To fasten one's seatbelts (v.)

Translation - Afivelar os cintos
Sentence: Please, fasten your seatbelts before the takeoff.

#10. To head (v.)

Translation - Ir em direção a
Sentence 1: I'm heading home! (=going home)
Sentence 2: Flight level 3-5-0 heading 0-1-niner degrees.
(Nível de voo 3-5-0 indo em direçao a 0-1-9 graus.

#11. To secure (v.)

Translation - Garantir ( also "make sure" but is more informal)
Sentence: Pilot, secure a location on Bridget Pierce.

#12. To switch seats (v.)

Translation - Trocar de assento
Sentence: Excuse me, Could you switch seats with me?

#13. Get off the ground (exp.)

Translation - Sair do chão (neste caso, sair e ir para o avião)
Sentence: Guys, get off the ground and come over here!

#14. To boost off (v.)

Translation - Desligar 
Sentence: Oh my god, the engine boosted off!

#15. to relay a/the response (v.)

Translation - Retransmitir uma resposta
Sentence: First officer, please relay the response to the pilot.

#16. Jump the line (exp.)

Translation - Furar fila
Sentence: Mister, It's not allowed to jump the line in our company.
 Please, step back.

#17. Welcome aboard! (exp.)

Translation - Bem-vindos a bordo!
Sentece: Welcome aboard, Pan Am airlines is pleased to 
have you here tonight.

#18. I get to see the world (exp.)

Translation - Eu posso ver o mundo
Used among employees in this field.
Sentence: I don't want anything else in my life, I mean, 
I get to see the world and I love it!

#19. Right this way / follow my lead (exp.)

Translation - Por aqui 
Sentence: Right this way ma'am.

#20. On short notice (exp.)

Translation - De última hora
Sentence: The stewardess boarded on short notice.

#21. To faint/ pass out (v.)

Translation - Desmaiar
Sentence: Mr. Esch fainted/passed out during the flight.

#22. To travel (number(s)) hour(s) straight (exp.)

Translation - Viajar (número(s)) hora(s) direto
Sentence: I traveled 10 hours straight to Japan.

#23. To hit a patch of rough air/ 

experience some turbulence (exp.)
Translation - Passar por uma turbulência
Sentence: We are hitting a patch of rough air but 
everything is under control.

#24. To be wheels up (exp.)

Translation - Estar decolando
Sentence: We're wheels up at 9 sharp.

#25. Manifest (n.) 

Translation: Lista de passageiros
Sentence: Jack, where is the manifest? - in the lobby! noooo!

*lobby = saguão

#26. To bench (v.)

Translation - ser o reserva de alguém
Sentence: Mr.Smiths is benching Mr.Junior today. 
He is not feeling very well.

#27. To drop

Translation - Derrubar
Sentence: The flight attendant dropped coffee in my suitcase.

*suitace = maleta

#28. Stewardess / flight attendant (n.)

Translation - Comissária de bordo / aeromoça
Sentence: Stewardess, please!

#29. Girdle (n.)

Translation - Espartilho 
Sentence: You girdle and stocking are ripped/teared, sir.

*ripped/teared = rasgado

*stocking = socks

#30. Purser (n.)

Translation - Chefe de cabine
Sentence: Who is the purser in this flight?

#31. (Departure) gate (n.)

Translation - Porta de embarque
Sentence: Flight 7648, gate 2B.

#32. Boarding call (n.)

Translation - Chamada
Sentence: This is the final boarding call for flight 456.

#33. Takeoff (or a launch or a roll-out) /landing (n.)

Translation - Decolagem/Aterrissagem
Sentence: The takeoff will be at 6 a.m and landing at 9 a.m.

#34. Cockpit/cabin (n.)

Translation - Cabine de avião
Sentence: The pilot is heading to the cockpit.

*Booth - outros tipos de cabine

#35. Brand new (exp.)

Translation - Novinho em folha
Sentence: Boeing 787 is a brand new aircraft!

#36. Maiden Voyage (n.)

Translation - Voo de inauguração 
Sentence: Today is a big-time day, because
 it's Pan Am's maiden voyage.

#37. Ransom demand (n.)

Translation - Pedido de resgate
Sentence: I'm afraid our fuel is sweeping out, so the pump 
is no longer working. We need a ransom demand right away!!! 
Call the headquarters!

*sweep out = esgotar 

*pump = bomba de gasolina
*headquarters = matriz

#38. To be grounded (v.)

Translation - Ser penalizado / ficar de castigo
Sentence: I was grounded for uniform violation. In our company, 
you're supposed to follow the rules to letter.

*to letter = ao pé da letra, a risca

#39. To reach (v.)

Translation - Alcançar
Sentence: The aircraft reached 37.000 feet.

#40. To bail out (v.)

Translation - Amarelar
Sentence: The airwoman bailed out from her first flight.

*airwoman = piloto (mulher)


1) To live up: Cumprir, comprometer-se

2) To spike: batizar a comida ou bebida de alguém
3) To christen: batizar (na igreja)
4) To chew gum: Mascar chiclete
5) Give a second thought: Não dar a mínima
6) Tattle-tale: Dedo duro
7) In a row: na sequencia, um atrás do outro
8) I didn't catch your name: Não gravei seu nome
9) Glutton: Comilão
10) What else is new?: Me conta uma novidade!
11) To wave around: Acenar
12) To stand up on someone: Dar um bolo em alguém
13) To disown: Renegar
14) To claim a steak: Reivindicar

Any questions, write in the comments!

See ya.

sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2017


Hello Folks! How is it going?
So, today I'm gonna talk about an outstanding TV series : Grey's Anatomy!
Grey's Anatomy is a TV show based on Medicine and explore lots of specific vocabulary!
This vocabulary will help you understand the content and allow your English to be muuuuuch better!
Shall we take a look at them?

Top 22 Verbs :

# 1. Scrub in/out:
Definition – To take part in surgeries whether as a surgeon or a nurse.
Translation - Operar (sendo médico)
Sentence: Bailey, I’d like to scrub in. Can I?
Sentence 2: Karev, scrub out of my surgery! NOW!

Definition – To call someone through a pager.
Translation - Bipar 
Sentence: Page cardio! I think she is having a heart attack!!

#3.Book an OR!

Translation - Reservar uma sala de operações 
Sentence - Hey, intern! Book an OR for tomorrow at 9!

Definition – To move up and down, swing
Translation - Mexer, mover
Sentence: The doctor said she should wiggle her toes.
Sentence 2: Her hips wiggle as she walks.

#5.Have a seizure:
Definition – To move fast and unintentionally one’s muscles.
Translation - Ter uma convulsão 
Sentence: Meredith, she is having a seizure! Hurry!

Definition – To laugh at someone, to kid or fool.
Translation - Zuar, tirar sarro
Sentence: Christina, stop mocking me and leave me alone!

Definition 1 – To get one selves’ fired.
Translation - Demitir-se
Sentence: I’ll quit tomorrow.
Definition 2 – To stop, drop out
Translation - Largar, parar
Sentence: Alex, quit doing it, it’s not worth.

#8. Coffin:
Definition – To place cadavers into a coffin. 
Sentence: Please ma’am, don’t coffin my husband yet. Let me say goodbye to him.

#9.Snap (off):
Definition – To cause something thin to break suddenly or make a quick cracking sound.
Translation - Estalar
Sentence: I’ll be back when you snap your fingers.
Sentence 2: The patient snapped off his back when bended heavily.

#10.Chop off/amputate:
Definition – To cut off, to separate into pieces.
Translation - Cortar fora 
Sentence: Calliope chopped off a guy’s leg due to its non-functionalism.

#11. Take for granted:
Definition – To assume sth as true without knowing for sure.
Translation - tomar por certo/ garantido
-        I’ll rock in the surgery tonight.
-        Don’t take it for granted, you better start hitting the books.

#12. Outrun:
Definition - to move faster or further than someone or something.
Translation - Ultrapassar
Sentence: Run faster! Outrun the gurney and come here now!

Definition - Put something such a plan or sytem in danger of being harmed or damaged.
Translation - Por em risco, arriscar
Sentence : I don't want to jeopardize your clinical trial, so i'm leaving.

Definition - To move away from someone or something because you are embarrassed.
Translation - Inclinar-se
Sentence : I cringed at the sight of my dad dancing.

Definition - to cheat someone
Translation - trapacear (como substantivo: conto do vigário)
Sentence: I think the taxpayers are gyping the government.

1 - Skip classes (Matar aula)
2- Land an aircraft in water in an emergency (Aterrissar avião em caso de emergência)
Sentence: The pilot had to ditch due to severe storms.

Definition - to feel or express great pleasure or satisfaction because of your own success. 
Translation - Vangloriar-se
Sentence: Bailey gloated over Karev because she got a spot on the board.

#18.Gear up:
Definition - to prepare yourself for something
Translation - preparar-se para algo
Sentence: The doctors are gearing up for surgery.

Definition - to give up something such as a responsability. 
Translation - abdicar, abrir mão
Sentence: Derek relinquished his career to stay with Meredith.

Definition - to fight, argue about useless things
Translation - disputar
Sentence: Bailey is bickering over Karev for a position.

Definition - to act or speak towards someone as if they are stupid or not important!
Translation - tratar com indulgencia
Sentence: Jo: - Stop patronizing me! I know how to make the drill!

Denifition - to make something possible to happen.
Translation - Permitir
Sentence: Please, allow me to do my job!

#23. Flatline:
Translation - Estar perto da morte, literalmente vem da situação de "linha rasa"
Sentence: The patient is flatlining, doctors!!

#24. To be coding:
Translation - Quando o coração está parando de bater
Sentence:  He is coding, page cardio now!

That's all for today! See ya :)